Sri Lanka Time : Monday, March 17, 2025 03:25:45 AM


Panamankada is a story which is currently telecasting on Swarnawahini. This is a story take place in a village. A teledrama which showcase the wonders of traditional medicine and the compassion. This teledrama has directed the attention to the traditional dancing, Ves dance, the most popular, originated from an ancient purification ritual. An artwork which depicts healing a tormented personality with the aid of both medicine and love. An attempt to plant a seed of unique creation which direct the audience to encounter outlandish vibe. It is an innovative approach of the beliefs of bygone days which seize the onlookers, presenting the OLD Sri Lanka.

In this teledrama the audience can experience a combination of veteran artists and fresher artists delivering a perfect fabrication. This teledrama can be named as a unique tryout to nudge the audience towards off-road who are fed up of ordinary storylines. A teledrama which can be pointed out as a perfect example of qualitative thinking in Sri Lankan entertainment industry. This can be considered as a first rated fabrication.

Cast & Crew of Panamankada Teledrama

Actors of the teledrama

Actresses of the teledrama

All Episodes of Panamankada

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